This is me and Jack Layton. He's leader of the NDP political party. He's going for Prime Minister next month. I ran into him at Starbucks. Politics at this stage in my life mean almost nothing. If these people actually wanted to change things for everyone on earth, I would feel more compelled to participate. In the first world, our leaders are Corporate puppets. Why the photo? When opportunity knocks...
This is the first of many... I'm hooked. Stand-Up is something I've wanted to do for a long time, and this Fall/Winter I've had the opportunity to take a 6 week workshop, culminating in this semi-polished set. I'm looking forward to writing more, and going up a lot more.
November 2010 - Victoria Some nice graf we saw on the way to a concert a couple of weeks ago... and then pawn takes king! This is a real board, a real game, and I was white. Very rare - and the funny part - I was like "Check.... mate?" Haha.
Saturna and Hornby Islands. Amanda and I traveled through the Gulf Islands over a few different incredible trips to explore these places. Highlights include sleeping under a meteor shower on Echo Bay, Saturna, and crewing in a race on the catamaran below with Richard Woods, who designed the boat we're on. See the rest of the album here.
Red Deer River followed by Heart Mountain near Canmore. We had originally set out to kayak for 7 days down the lower reach of the Red Deer, but by day 3 it was very apparent that the rest of the journey we would end up walking our boats over sandbars, so we decided to go climb a mountain instead.