
Ratfish 420 Show!


Jack and Me

This is me and Jack Layton. He's leader of the NDP political party. He's going for Prime Minister next month. I ran into him at Starbucks. Politics at this stage in my life mean almost nothing. If these people actually wanted to change things for everyone on earth, I would feel more compelled to participate. In the first world, our leaders are Corporate puppets. Why the photo? When opportunity knocks...


RatFish Comedy Night

First Stand-Up Set

This is the first of many... I'm hooked. Stand-Up is something I've wanted to do for a long time, and this Fall/Winter I've had the opportunity to take a 6 week workshop, culminating in this semi-polished set. I'm looking forward to writing more, and going up a lot more.


Pawn Takes King!!!

November 2010 - Victoria
Some nice graf we saw on the way to a concert a couple of weeks ago... and then pawn takes king! This is a real board, a real game, and I was white. Very rare - and the funny part - I was like "Check.... mate?" Haha.


Spring/Summer 2010

Saturna and Hornby Islands.
Amanda and I traveled through the Gulf Islands over a few different incredible trips to explore these places. Highlights include sleeping under a meteor shower on Echo Bay, Saturna, and crewing in a race on the catamaran below with Richard Woods, who designed the boat we're on. See the rest of the album here.


Curt's Birthday Trip - May 2010

Red Deer River followed by Heart Mountain near Canmore.
We had originally set out to kayak for 7 days down the lower reach of the Red Deer, but by day 3 it was very apparent that the rest of the journey we would end up walking our boats over sandbars, so we decided to go climb a mountain instead.


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